Socks Proxy List Service End User License Agreement
1. Each purchase of the Socks5/4 Proxy List Service (the Service) is licensed for use by ONE end user on ONE computer. If the user want to get the Service from another computer or you modified the hardware, he/she should buy another purchase.
2. The end user should use the free version or professional version of Socks Proxy Checker to use the Service.
3. The end user is required to send Didsoft their Socks Proxy Checker Computer ID. Upon receipt, Didsoft will active the Service for the end user. Every PC has its own, unique Computer ID. The Computer ID is what we use to identify the end user.
3. All sales are final once Didsoft active the Service, or 30 days after purchase, whichever comes first.
4. The end user may not sell, rent, lease, loan, give, sublicense or otherwise transfer the Service in whole or in part to any other person or third party.
5. The end user allows that the quantity and quality of socks5/4 proxy list may vary because of the irresistible reasons such as servers down or system maintenance.
6. This Service End User License Agreement is effective upon your purchase to the Service and shall continue until it is terminated. The license will terminate upon breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
7. The Service is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
8. In no event shall Didsoft be liable to you for any other damages arising out of your use of the Service.
9. The end users agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in connection with their use of this service.
10. For clarification of any facet of this End User License Agreement or for other information about the Service, contact us at
Socks Proxy Checker Professional End User License Agreement
1. Each copy of Socks Proxy Checker Professional (SPC Pro) is licensed for use by ONE end user on ONE computer. If you want to install SPC Pro on another computer or you modified the hardware, you should buy another license using another email.
2. The end user can download the new version of SPC Pro for free in one year. After one year, the end user should renew the license to get the new version.
3. The end user agrees to "register" the software. To register SPC Pro, End user is required to send Didsoft their SPC Pro Computer ID. Upon receipt, Didsoft will reply with the Registration Key. Every PC you install to will have its own, unique Computer ID. The Computer ID is what we use to generate your Registration Key. A new Registration Key is therefore required for each new PC to which SPC Pro is installed.
4. All sales are final once the Registration Key is issued by Didsoft, or 30 days after purchase, whichever comes first.
5. The end user may not sell, rent, lease, loan, give, sublicense or otherwise transfer the software or any copy of the software in whole or in part to any other person or third party.
6. This Software License Agreement is effective upon your installing this program and shall continue until it is terminated. The license will terminate upon breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
7. The software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
8. If you have complied with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Didsoft's entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be the replacement of any defective files. In no event shall Didsoft be liable to you for any other damages arising out of your use of this program.
9. For clarification of any facet of this End User License Agreement or for other information about the software, contact us at
Didsoft Limited